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Sunday 12 May 2013

Corruption and politics

  Yesterday i read a lot of things, Some of them were interesting, One of the biggest news in Ethiopia
was about the arrest of high officials  in a corruption related Charges. The minster of revenue , and
his vice minister with ten other  prominent merchants have been arrested .

The minister was a party high official of EPRDF from the Amhara wing, some says that the charge
was unfair, simply the minster was a vocal against the genocide of Amharas from benishangul region.
when woyane wants to destroy or eliminate somebody they use anti corruption charges. We
remember Siye Abrha was charged with anti corruption charges , the same thing with Tamirat
Layne,where as both of them were promoting different opinions from the ruling groups of
woyanes.That was the main reason they have been thrown in to  jail.
There are another arguments  which has been surfaced recently. Woyane wants to wipe out all
Amharas from any official post , that might be their intention. The somalia region president officially
was promoting anti-Amhara propaganda when he was discussing some issues  with the elders of the
region.No body believes the stooge president will talk like this with out the knowledge of  woyanes.
Nevertheless why woyane is so bitter about amharas?, the reason is clear,  in order to survive at the
power they want to create a kind of ethnic animosity, they want to divide and rule the people of
Ethiopia, these guys are Anti Ethiopians, most of them they are decendants of bandas and ascarises ,
Ethiopia as a country , Ethiopians as a people are alergic to them.The Amharas have been
intertwinned with every tribe of Ethiopia,they know that to destroy this sociale fabrication have got a
lion share to their aim of destroying Ethiopia

Any how there is one thing which they do not understand it, the Ethiopian people has survived
every form of anti ethiopian movements , no matter how it is difficult but The Ethiopians are going to
win. Ethiopia belongs to God.The divine intervention is there!!!

Ethiopia will prevail

Friday 10 May 2013

Good Sides OF Atse Haileselasse

There are a lot of bad things we heard about Atse haile selasse, We grew with a kind of negative
feelings, When we were tenner, derg was propagating about Atse haile selasse as if he was a devil.
I remember some photographs which have been associated atse haileselasse like a monkey, a kind of photo as a Wilde animal. it was a shocking experience to me . Atse haile selasse for me he was a respected emperor.it was untolerable to see the emperor with this type of photos. i use to get money when he was coming to visit gofa soldiers' camp. He has given us one Ethiopian dollar, for each child, when we hear that atse haile selasse is coming, we use to stop playing football or what ever but we use to run directly to atse haile selasse, he used to give us a dollar
I remember a very tall guards surrounding him, when he give us the money , automatically they use to push us far away from the emperor.It was considered a blessing getting money from him.
Most of the time, after we got the money we used to buy a foot ball , at that time there was a plastic ball , which was good for us, it was a great thing to have that ball , a kid who has got that ball was considered as a privileged one.
After that derge was downplaying what atse haile selasse did for his country , Nevertheless át this time i want to write about the positive contributions of the emperor to his mother land.
once, when i attended a course, in the course i learnt some thing special, the teacher told us that our brain .or in our memories in our brain , we use to hear 80% the negative things that had happened in life, like what we lost, the bad things that had happened in life will come to our mind, the rest 20% we hear the positive things which had happened in life, like our success in life, our good things.Individuals who have been trained or accustomed in hearing or charging the positive feelings or messages in their brain , in life they would be successful .Most of the time media reveals the negative news in order to capture an attention. negative news like war, hunger, crime and so on. here

What are the positive things atse haileselasse did to his country;Atse haile selasse was the first emperor who has introduced a constitution to Ethiopia, at the same time he has established parliaments . In a country where feudalism was dominant.,introducing a constitution to the society was a big deal

The Emperor had established different schools , modern education had been spread in Ethiopia during his time, he gave his palace to university, in the university , he used to encourage and motivate students .he tried to enlightened his nation
Haile selasse was a very good diplomat, Ethiopia has been a respected place in the world politics, he managed to promote Ethiopia positively
during the second world war , when he was in exile, he was a voice of the voiceless, his exile government was functioning very good, he exposed Mussolini and the fascist Italians in the league of nation, His famous speech is still remembered by a lot of peoples,He was like a prophet , what he has fore casted had happened.
Atse haileselasse was having a success story in the growth of Ethiopian economy, at his time the GDP was plus , he was having one of the best ministerial council, his minsters were a well educated and articulated individuals.
The emperor has managed to en corporate Eritrea to the mother land Ethiopia, He worked and lobbied to get back Eritrea to Ethiopia, at his time Ethiopia enjoyed a rule of law and a peace full nation.
At last not least the emperor was one of the establishers of African unity , he was considered as a father of Africa, because of his contribution and the history of Ethiopia as a symbol of freedom and resistance against colonialism , Ethiopia became the heart or capital of Africa
These are some of atse haileselasses' contribution to our beloved nation
Let God bless Ethiopia

Wednesday 8 May 2013


  Woyanes might be against Ethiopian identity, we could say too they are anti Ethiopians, name it what ever you want, but at the end we like it or not they need Ethiopia, they got a love and hate relationship with Ethiopia. They love Ethiopia as long as they are on the power , they hate Ethiopia because they know that they do not have a broader and inclusive  Ethiopian agenda .They have been merged as ethnic based politics and politicians, at the same time most of them especially at the highest governing body of woyane , they are decendants of bandas and ascarises, which means that their forefathers have worked against ethiopian interest , they served the enemys 'interest during the fascist Italian invasion against Ethiopia.

Woyanes after meles zenawi , they seem that they are confused , they are running here and there without any ideological vision. It seems that they are fighting to each other, some informations from their circle shows that there is a deep division. For sure, it is not a good news for woyanes , affiliated groups and their supporters.

Recently when the woyanes were having meeting in order to choose their  members of central committees and Politburo, they were not having a common consensus, they have divided to each other , the azeb/Abay woldus'group versus the siyoum/arkabe group. The azeb /abay group has been consolidated and stood firm, at the end they became successful by purging the old guards like seyoum, arkabe .etc

The azeb group got the backup of samura , an infuential war lord , he was a loyal to meles zenawi at the same time now he is loyal to azeb and her group too. According to ESAT, an independent media in diaspora , Samura emerged as powerful and dominant war lord in the military circle of woyanes, he managed to sack the two prominent woyane generals like general tesare and general gezay .

 The other satelite organization of woyanes like BEADEN, OPDO , SPDO, except BEADEN , the others, they do not play an active role , BEADEN with Bereket,  they became a bit active. Any  way we do not know how the things will go on , time will show us , OPDO is in a mess, they are more fracturized, it seems as if they do not have a leader, here also there are different groups who are struggling to each other like the group of Abdula, Nuredin , Alemayehu and so on.

Hailemariam Desalgn the prime minster is a toothless , who is their for show, he does not have any role in the government .It is a difficult task for him, he is under 24 hours servillance of woyane. they allowed him to stay at this post because of the Americans pressure, If that pressure was not there , they would  not have allowed this post , Nevertheless he became a parrot to woyanes.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

King makers in Recent Ethiopian politics

In Ethiopia there have been king makers who have used a manipulative techniques in order to assign their favourite emperor on the throne. The king makers were keen  to be a back up or the main decision makers behind the screen.
In our country , when emperor Minilik passed away, almost for some time( seven  years) it had not be revealed to the public that the emperor had died , The Ethiopian people was at dark.
During those years the public believed that the emperor was alive where as the emperor had died, at that particular time where the modern technology and the media  infra structure was not there,  it was easy to keep the nation in a complete dark , or to keep secrets from the public
 Neverthless the palace was using some techniques in order to show to the public that the emperor was alive, For instance two Imperial mules were ready for use and they had been standing in the palace as if the emperor was alive  and a sign to the public to give an impression that he was ready to travel for  his Imperial routine duties, it was  a kind of disguise.
The main reason to hide the news from the public was  for safety and  stability of the country. 
Emperor  Minilik had given his words to his people that his throne should passed to his grand son lij Eyassu. How ever the queen (wife of emperor) was so powerful. She was looking to be in the power. At times she was very concerned and she was preparing her cliques as well as Her brother Ras Wolle was behind her and he had backed her . Any way the shewan aristocrats was reluctant to Eteges  ambition they had expelled her from the palace. They had sent her to  Entoto.
At last lij Eyassu became the Ethiopian  emperor,  he was at odd with Shewan  Aristocrats. He was favouring Wollo any way the Shewan aristocrats had forced him to leave the throne.

They replaced him by  Queen Zewiditu, and  Teferi Mekonen (Atse Haile sillasse as crown prince ...with full authority). Which means that the queen had not had the full power.In this power struggle the architect and the leader of this power struggle was Fitawrari Habtegiorgis. He was the one who had been successfully plotted the conspiracy and he assigned Tefri mekonen as Crown prince later as an Emperor. At last Emperor Hailesilasse managed to be independent , at the end he sacked Habtegirogis himself , even Fitawrari Habtegirogis  said at that time  ''We comfortably made him a king but it became impossible to denounce him ( or throw him ) out of the crown.'' .
  In Amharic ''Tekemiten yesekelenew komen mawred akateris'' any way Aba mella was a king maker.
Recently in the 21 th century two king makers were  fighting to each other. When Meles Zenawi died all of a sudden it was a shock to Ethiopians. The ruling party was in panic.
As usual for about two months it was a blank , no body was having an information , especially the ruling elite was busy in doing their home work.
There was a division between two groups Bereket/ Beaden and Sibhat/TPLF. The sibihat group was not keen in assigning a PM -outside their Ethnic group but Bereket since he is a communication minster, media is for him. So he announced that the deputy chairman  would be a prime minster , his group has done the work underground. The Beaden Amharas were in charge . All the key players  were Addissu, Teferra Waluwa, Tadesse Shinkute ... and so on . They have side lined the Woyane/Tigres.
The woyane/tigres which is the Sibhat group up to the last minute they were expecting  that Meleses' health condition would be improved and he would be at the office. In the mean time the Bereket /Beaden  group worked their underground  work they succeeded to assign their man at the top of the helm of the PM office.
Any way this is a play of king makers . At last not least Bereket/Beaden   are the king makers of this century , where as Fitawrari Habtegirogis was the king maker of 20 th century.
For a while Sibhat failed to be a  king maker , he lost the game . as usual he is barking here and there , talking a provocative issues like an old mad.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Un published article : a comment to Mr.Gubena

 Dear Gubena

 I am writing this letter like article to you. I was not as such interested to write it. I was struggling with my conscious to write it or not , at the end i decided to write it . I read your article from the Ethio media an Ethiopian website.

  Dear , i feel that you are an active Ethiopian who uses to participate in the Ethiopian politics. Which is a positive one. i appreciate any body who actively participates in the Ethiopian politics. It does not matter whether the motive  is self centred  or for the sake of Ethiopia as a country and for the people of Ethiopia.   i want to start this article by writing a proverb '' Insult a fool once ,then  he will insult himself for ever ``,  why in the Gods' name you concentrate and use the hateful words of weyane and OlF cadres, they are the worn out hateful groups who are living for their bellies . You need to focus how to destroy them, ways, strategies and tactics in removing the cancer weyane from the Ethiopian political landscape.
    The Ethiopian people has unanimously voted against weyane . Which means that the Ethiopians are against any kind of tribal and hateful divisions.Which clearly means a red card for all tribalists .

At times in your article you were writing that you are Gondere, on the other hand you wrote that your grand mom  came from Tigray , For me i did not really understand you what do you mean by pure Gondere ? even though, you  yourself wrote that your grand mom was from Tigray , which shows that you are not a ''pure'' Gondere : You were writing that you are a Pan Africanist, then why you worry about ur Gondereness, fogereness, tigreness ..what ever?, afterwards you are an Ethiopian, to be an Ethiopian or to qualify as an Ethiopian you should not necessarily have mixed ethnic parents.I think that you deep to your heart you use to incline to Gonder, Fogera, worota..etc. I mean down to kebele and villages. You need to investigate your attitude , there is a conflict between your belief as a Pan Africanist.
  You wrote that you do not agree that the new Ethiopian generation is great ...Why?, Rather you agree that your grandfathers' generation is great not this generation .
Dear Gubena , If you are beyond 50 or 60 , it might not include you , even though this is not correct but we can conclude that your generation is a generation  which has brought and spread the secession theories, struggled consciously or unconsciously to destroy Ethiopia, had spread  communism in Ethiopia , destroyed or dismantled the well established Ethiopian infra structure , at last not least the same generation has escaped from Ethiopia and  settled and begging in Europe  and America.
  The New generation , this is a generation which has beated Shabya , The victory of Badme is a modern Adwa , even this victory is very especial than adwa because the new generation has done the job with out the will of the existing anti -Ethiopian leadership.The whole world was amazed with this victory, i hope you too.
When the hate politics engulfed Ethiopia, when fascist Meles and his cadres were preaching and propagating to destroy one tribe by the other tribe .This generation stood against the politics of hate.

Dear, do you remember what happened in Rwanda , Somalia, Former Yugoslavia ..etc . But this wise  generation  of Ethiopia defended Ethiopia from being a bloodbath  by avoiding a hate based politics, so are you not proud of this generation?
 When Meles and his groups came to the power , almost for one year there was no police , the Ethiopians were living with out any police in harmony , Where could you find this type of people in the world , Imagine Americans or Europeans , the so called  civilised nations ,could they live with out police? not year even a day? I doubt that .
 When America was giving a green light to weyane to enter Addis , the Aim was to destabilise Ethiopia by backing an ethnic politics but the Ethiopians were wise enough to avoid the danger which has been surfaced to them. Look here, it shows that the people of Ethiopia is great and smarter than the political strategists in US or Europe.
The other reason to be proud by this generation is the May 2005 election , its process and the way the people of Ethiopia handled it .At that time The Europeans and Americans were commenting that the Ethiopians are not civilized and  used to democracy, there is no a democratic culture, democratic election will not be possible and it will be anarchy. This was their prediction , but the Ethiopian people showed to the world to what extent he is disciplined . Even though this election was the first in its nature to Ethiopia. Nevertheless  The Ethiopians proved that they are matured and  humble to the highest standard as to the  citzens of  countries like America, Swithereland, Holland , England...  etc Where   the well established  democratic culture exist.
  For instance the  Ethiopian born Saudi billioner Alamoudi was campaigning for woyane/junta in his birth place weldya wollo, during the election he was promissing to do a lot of things to the people of woldya. He told to the public that if they vote to Meles/woyane regime he will establish schools, mosques, and factories in the area. Consequently the bilionare insisted that   he will offer cash per each vote . But the inhabitants of woldya they voted for kinijit, an opposition party  against the will of the bilionare. Can you imagine in Europe or America you pro miss to give cash to individuals, definitely you would get a lot of peoples who are going to vote for you.
But the Ethiopian people even though they are suffering from poverty , what ever the difficulty , if your approach or your outlook is against their country, most of them they do not support you.
 Dear Gubena after the rigging vote and meleses' ballot robbery the Ethiopian youth had struggled against the fascist Meles, They said No to him.The Ethiopian youth has been  bravely fighting against fascist Meleses' Ethnic agazi militia .They faced tanks with bare hands. What do you want more, this generation is a great generation to be appreciated.
Further , at this crucial time , for no reason you were criticizing the innocent kinijit leaders , why you are criticizing them publicly? are you working for weyanes? Are you a new public relation officer to the Meles regime? , the new public relation officers of woyane are busy in labelling kinijit as a power monger  and the leaders of the party as criminals .Who knows in Europe and America , the new recruited weyanes might be from the so called ''Gonderes´´, who knows you might be one of them, if not you need to stand firm with the people of Ethiopia.

Monday 12 November 2012

Un published : A letter to the editor- I agree to disagree

  What does Ethnocentrism mean?  i think it is not necessary to use this terminology or word in Ethiopian politics.We already passed that stage ethnic, clan, tribal ...etc , We already intermingled to each other in our 3000 years of history as a nation. We all have lived in our mother land Ethiopia for centuries.
The empire which has been built in our country has been a product of the Ethiopian nation.It belongs to all of us .Even though  most of the time at the top of the power helm the descendants of Solomon dynasty were the emperors ,   what ever it is those emperors have managed to lead Ethiopians to survive as a nation by defending the sovereignty of Ethiopia from different invaders.
We Ethiopians have lived together under one flag.
The recent political paradigm which is based on nation, nationality issues is UN appropriate to the Ethiopian society, the Stalinist approach, Stalin himself advocated the theory , but when he was at the power , he did not practised the theory. If  we consider that the stalins' approach was correct , based on his theories of nations, nationalities ....in Ethiopia does not exist a nation, or a nationality which would satisfy the requirement which have been stated in the book of Stalin.

Mr.Abra;  I really do not have any objection with your idea, your approach is interesting. The web site which you run Etho media is a fantastic one.You have showed us the picture of the kinijit leaders, your analysis was viable,  i agree with you that the Ethiopian public was looking for years this type of leadership.
Our people on the ground in Ethiopia have spoken loudly that the politics of hatred does not have a place in the contemporary Ethiopian politics.
The ethnic politics in Ethiopia is a baseless, the colonisers has done their best and implemented it against  their subjugated peoples in other parts of the world , but Ethiopia was uncolonised and it did not happen so, how ever the fascist  Italians during their occupation of Ethiopia, they tried to implement an ethnic based administration , but it had  failed, the people of Ethiopia proved that it is impossible to divide them according to the ethnic lines,  it is not that the Ethiopian ppl is super human, the fact of the matter is the Ethiopian society is a complex society which has existed for three to five thousands years as a nation , in those years of survival, simply tribes, clans, and nationalities  have inter twinned to each other , so it became difficult to alienate or to separate them to each other.

In the process and history of Ethiopia as a nation  , the Ethiopians developed an Ethiopian   identity which transcends tribe, clans ...etc.The Ethiopians consider every part of Ethiopian language , culture , no matter they know it or accustomed it , as far as Ethiopian, they consider that it belongs to them too. For instance the oromo language belongs to wellegas, hareres , sidamas , tigreans or gojames equally no matter they know or understand the language , the same thing to the tigrean language , it does not belong only to tigreans but it equally  belongs to gambellas, gojames, wellegas...etc , a sense of ownership is there , even if they know the language or not , it does not matter being an Ethiopian qualifies all Ethiopians to be the owner of that language or culture.
Let us go further The Ethiopians have been connected with  marriages , it is very difficult to get an oromo or an Amara who does not have an oromo or Amara parent , the same thing to the tigreans , it is difficult to get a tigrean who does not have a marriage relationship with gondres , wolloyes ...etc, it is the same thing to gurages , sidamas,   kembtas , hadyas, wellaytas ...etc , .
  Dear mr Abrha The bench mark of Ethiopianism is not hate, avoidance, the identity of Ethiopia is inclusive, love and harmony. You were writing about Eritreans , as per your approach , in order to be an Ethiopian nationalist we need to avoid or hate ertreans, no, it is a wrong approach, as i have mentioned it early , ethiopianism is inclusive , the Eritreans are part of us , they are not our enemies .
Of course shabya is the core enemy of ethiopianism.We have to deal separately the people of Eritrea and  shabya
 You wrote that Meles zenawi has growed in ertrea , it does not matter where he grows , afterwards ertrea was Ethiopia , and in the future also it will be part of Ethiopia, The future generation will decide that one.
I think and you might agree that the problem lies  with Mr. meleses' familys' background. Their background could be traced to the bandas and ascaris like his grandfather who was a fascist Italian dejazmach, at the same time his grand grand father  was a man who had contributed a vital information  in  the capture of Asmara by Italians, He marched to the Italians who were in massawa and the outskirt of massawa , and told them that  emperor yohanesse and ras alula, the feared general of Ethiopia are busy in fighting the derbush in metema , even he had informed them that the emperor had died at the battle front , further he advised them to capture Asmara .Meles grew in  a family where they hate ethiopia and ethiopianism, so during his childhood definitely he has grown with anti ethiopian patriotism, ethiopiansim and so on .
I think you know more than any body about ato meles, about the seccession of erterea, meles is not the only one to be responsible( blamed )  about that .The entire TPLF leadership is responsible for that evil deed.
During the shabyas' invasion of badme , ofcourse the group of siye, gebru had played the main role in defending and averting the aggression of shabya.The ethiopian ppl has sdied with siye/gebru faction in beating shabya.But meles and his groups had betrayed the ethiopian ppl.
As a matter of fact meles has done that because of that he wanted to secure his power , meles did not care for any body, the tyranny do any thing to secure his power.
You were mentioning tat meles has spoken about tigreans that the tigreans are the golden ppl. but at the same time , after the siye faction has surfaced on the ground during the struggle with this faction , he said that i feel ashamed or bored to fly to tigray( kefefegn in amharic), in another sessions meles had accused the siye group as a narrow nationalist, regionlist and so on. Zenawi does not care for this tribe or the other tribe , all his interest is to keep his power at any expense, he plays any card .

Dear Mr. Abraha: you wrote about Ras alula ,you mentioned that the tigreans have to be proud of him , why only tigreans? is alula died or struggled for the sake of tigreans ,  no, alula was struggling and died for Ethiopia as an Ethiopian hero , he always looked the great picture ethiopia. so why you diminished him to a hero of one province.
You were writing about adwa , you were portraying adwa as a clan , even though i am not a professional , adwa is not a name of clan, it is a district or awraja.The adwas are the most mixed people in tigray region. Most of them they trace their linkeage to shewa , gojam, gonder and the other part of Ethiopia.
further you wrote that the tigreans are not responsible for what ever TPLF or meles has done , here you are right  and the people of Ethiopia agrees with  you.
Your analysis about the diaspora tigreans is very fantastic and it is perfect. After the creation of the faction in the TPLF leadership circle, TPLF does not function as a party, it has been dimished to the family business. the sibhat/meles family is running tplf , it became their sole property.

Actually the meles group get the upperhand by getting the helping hand from the BEADEns ,Addissu legesse, bereket simon, tefera waliwa played a crucial role. At this time meles lost his ground from the tigreans as a whole , but meles wants to get a backup from  tigrean people,  in order to get the tigrean back up , he had created an atmospher that the tigreans are killing the other ethiopians, this leads the other ethiopians would be provocated to see all tigreans as enemy , at the end the tigryans would be one of the most hated people in the Ethiopian society ,  according to this calculation , meles would emerge as the only person who could defend the tigreans, if he is not at the power , the tigreans would be slaughtered.
 He organised an ethnic agazi militias, who, most of them are  tigrean speakers , when these murderers were busy in killing demonstrators and so on, meles wanted to feel the other ethiopians that the tigreans are killing them, at last according to his calculation  it will have  created an ethnic animosities between tigreans and the other Ethiopians  , and at last he is going to have emerged as a Savior of tigreans from genocide. That was the aim of  his campaign .
At this time behind the meles clique  BEADEN as organization, azeb and her relatives who are from gondor, alamudi ..and so on whom they are not from tigray are taking advantages, the attention would be diverted  to tigryans , where as the real enemy probably the real honest supporters of meles are the BEADEns.
Dear ato abraha the real power base has been shifted from TPLF as organization to BEADEN and families of sibhat/meles . The people of tigray is out of the equation. It has to be done a lot to change the flow of the propaganda.