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Thursday 20 October 2011

A new athlet from Ethiopia Champion in 10,000 meters race

When i switched on my television , all of a sudden from the tv i watched an Ethiopian runner, whom i had never heard of him,on the tv he was showing a kind of gesture, which comes from his heart expressing his emotions because of that he was happy.The gesture was " an Ethiopian sign for a shooting or to shoot", besides him there was also an Ethiopian runner.
The ethiopian runner , the winner of the race he was performing Ethiopian traditional dance, it was nice to see my country man being happy , especially by winning the gold medal for his mother land , there is nothing more than this event , he should be proud of that , the victory was for all ethiopians.
at that time even though i was happy that an Ethiopian won a gold medal but i regretted because i missed to watch the whole race.I told to my wife about the race , i asked her if she had watched the game, unfortunately she also did not had a clue.
Eventhough i missed to follow the live race , eventually i got the chance to watch it on European sport channel.
The race was so hectic,it was a tough race,The famous Ethiopian athlet Kenenissa and sileshi were there ,Kenenissa had stopped due to a pain , actually he was a defending champion .
kenenissa had won the last four championships, before him the legendary ethiopian athlet haile gebresilasse won 4 times.Totally Ethiopia won 8 times consequently in the world athletics championship.It is awesome and wonderful.
When kenenissa dropped out ,imagine that defending chamion is not there ,then what would happen?, the chance to win the game diminished however the athlets were busy in running.With in the group there were two Ethiopian athlets who were not as such famous like Kenenissa and sileshi,Those athlets were Merga and Ibrahim , especially Ibrahim was a new one to the truck.
During the race for about seven and eight rounds the tempo was serious , the Ethiopians were not as such visible, since kenenissa is not there , no body has expected them.
At the last round approximately about 600 meters to finish , the somalian born English runner Farah splintered, he was running very fast.The two ethiopians had followed him, the gap was too much.Ibrahim of Ethiopia has narrowed the gap, at last Ibrahim managed to pass Fara of England and won the game.
Farah did not expect , he was confident to win the game.Ibrahim too he did not expect to win the game , at the end Ibrahim won the gold medal , Merga of Ethiopia became the third .
Ibrahim immediately thanked God , he said God is great, Ibrahim with his collegue and country man Merga , they runned in the stadion having in their hand the Ethiopian Green , yellow, red flag.The excited Ibrahim was kissing his ring, dancing ,performing ethiopian dance, both merga and ibrahim were happy . Me too i was very happy because they are my fellow country men who won the game, at the end Ethiopia won ,that is what it matters !!!
Let God bless Our athlets !!!

Thursday 13 October 2011

OLF a splinter organization which advocates for the succession of ethiopian provinces from ethiopia.
the aim of Olf is to dismantle Ethiopia as a country .The main reason for its argument is ,Ethiopia as a country had subjugated oromos as a nation.The oromos were not having equal rights as a citzen in Ethiopia and they were colonized by ethiopia, actually a base less argument.
In the first place the question of natiobn and nationalities is a marxist leninist approach which was advocated by Joseph stalin of soviet union.
Joseph stalin was a dictator and at times a leader of Soviet union. He had written a book , on his book he had given a brief explanation about nation , nationalities and how to solve the problems associated or related with this particular issue.
Actually according to his book , if we go deep to his analysis only nations could have the right to succeed from the entity where they believe that they had beeen denied their rights.
when it comes to his definition of nation , he has notified some criterias to be fulfilled.A nation to be considered a nation
1- it has to have a common language 2 shared geographical conditions 3_ the same culture 4-Economical relationships 5- a developed Pyscholgical entity .These are the criterias which has to be included to a nation to be called a nation .Generally in Ethiopia there is no any group, tribe which fulfils these criterias.

Let alone in Ethiopia , according to the socialist marxist approach where the stage in Ethiopia was feudo-capitalist , Even in russia where the technology was at peak , it became impossible to implement this theory,so Joseph stalin , when he was at power he stopped to implement the theory in to practice.
At large , Marxism a theory which had been proved wrong which means that the theory would not work in this physical world ,so why OLF is busy with its base less aim dismantling Ethiopia the answer is simple, olf and its leaders are looking for power , if that is not attainable they are getting their bread with this approach.
What a shame!!!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Egyptian uprising & social networks

I have decided to write or to say some thing about Egyptian revolution, i know that it might be late, any way there is a proverb 'better late than never', accordingly the initiative to write this article has been emerged when i saw mubarek(the x-president of egypt) on trial in Egyptian court.

Mubarek, the x-airforce officer , a hero to his land but a man who ruled Egypt ruthlessly with hard dictatorial hand for the last thirty years.I am not interested in going in depth about mubarek's life history. A lot has been said , written and broadcasted in different medias.

What has impressed me is ,how the Egyptian youths had managed to drive out mubarek from his office, in other words from his power,i was wondering what type of secretive organizations they used , how they had been able to be organized , how they manage to be capable of escaping the security apparatus of the regime?...etc are some of my questions which uses to come to my mind .

The youngsters,they have used modern social networks, such as hyves,paltalks, face books in order to be organized ,they had been worked day and night through facebooks, they planned the anti-mubarek demonstartion, they had calculated on how to make it practical, at the end they made it to be happened on the streets of cairo.

Egyptians had been inspired by the tunisians' uprising , a young tunisian vendor, a university graduate with out any job , burnt himself in protest against a police who did not allow him a place inorder to sale his products.It was a trigger point for the ppl of tunisia for their decisive peacefull protest against tunisian dictatorship. Which ends up in their victory
The Egyptians get momentum from their tunisian brothers , they became motivated on that. Youths of egyptians had used their computers(pcs)to topple mubarek.The youngsters were more advanced than the security apparatus of mubarek, they had out smarted them, not only that, they showed to the world how the modern IT(social networks) is powerful , they eventually reveal the world even it is possible to overthrow a powerful dictator who was having a lot of supports.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Abraham yayeh and his speeches

I knew Abraham yayeh from the Ethiopian television screens back at the end of derge era, I remember how he was eloquent, Abraham yayeh and G/medihin araya , Both of them , they exposed the real picture of weyane, especially abraham yayeh was showing us how weyanes hate Ethiopianism. He has briefly exposed the weyanes' anti-ethiopian stand, he narrated it in a fascinating way and clearly he stated weyanes' main agenda 1- fightingf for eplf of ertrea , in order to succeed its succession agenda 2- to divide Ethiopia in to tribal lines ,at that specific time the Ethiopan ppl was lending a deaf ear to any propaganda from the derge regime, simply the ppl was tired of the system , and had not expected any honest information from the derge regime, nevertheless when abraham comes with this information , every body was eager to hear what abraham and G/medihin would or had to say , we were enthusiast of them .

Times went , weyanes had entered in addis , it had happened exactly, what Abraham and G /medhin had told us was true and they were honest .I apperciated the courage of G/medihin and Abraham , they had done their best.When weyanes controlled Ethiopia Abraham and G/medhin had escaped , fled away from Ethiopia. Abraham succeded to settle in Denmark, Again All the way from Denmark we started to hear his voices on and off .Especially when shabya invaded Ethiopia , he started to be a big news in the Ethiopian news papers, abraham yayeh , all of a sudden he has been shown up in the shabyas' controlled region ertrea, he started to propagate against his mother land, at tht crucial time , when every Ethiopian from every walk of life was ready to fight shabya at any cost , Abraham,who was the real enemy of shabya , seeing him propagating for shabya, It was a shock to me , i was not expecting him there, at this point my respect to him started to diminish.I was not the only one with this type of feelings , all of my friends, we felt like that.

In 1997 , in Ethiopia, there was an election and election campaign , during that time , every body was involved in politics, we were expecting a genuine political process, that had not happened , the election process was not fair, there was a fraud and at last the votes had been stolen from the ballot of box, not only that, weyane had killed about 193 youngsters , arrested ten thousands , at the end the opposition leaders had been rounded up and putted them in a jail. Especially the opposition party which was called kinijit was targeted by weyanes. Abraham yayeh , at this cross road, he started to side up with weyanes, he was propgating that The tigreans should stand with weyane, Kinijit is a party of anti -tigreans, but in reality, kinijit was a party which was against any tribal and ethnic based politics. Here we go !! the same person who was standing for Ethiopian unity , he showed up to be a tribalist , even the worst one is he became the supporter of weyane, At this time too, i said what is going on? what happened with him? , I did not get an answer, at that time , simply it was beyond my expectation.

Recently i have read Abrahams' interview from awramba times, he was giving a brief interview about haile selasse, about derge ... , i liked the way he narrated about haile selasse and derge, he had pointed out the good and the bad sides of both regimes, especially for me and my generation who had grown hearing bad things about the emperor , listening the contribution of the emperor is a plus , it encourages us to go deep for a research. How ever would abraham stand firm for united Ethiopia,Ethiopianism and Ethiopian values as he usually speaks , I really doubt!!!
Ethiopia will Prevail!!

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Release of Birtukan & my feelings

On this particular day 9/10/10, i read the reports from different web sites , i got the information from ethiomedia, ethioforum , abugida and so on. When i read tht Birtukan had been released from the prison I was very happy , i felt very good about that.
Any way the conditions that lead her to be released were so painful, i was not expecting from her to ask a pardon from the tyrant meles, i was expecting, she would stood firm . She had not committed any crime , so why she should ask for a pardon? at the same time five youngesters had given their life in order to protect Birtukan , so i was thinking she would stood firm
Especially when i was watching her on the weyane TV , It was a shock to me, it was a kind of tv parade, how this guys are cruel and fascist? i know that there was a psychological pressure, for sure there might be a torture , physical abuse , i can imagine that.
Meles and his regime had released birtukan with out their will, they had been forced by the international community , weyanes knew that if they do not release her she would have been nominated for the 'sakarov prize' a prize for human right activists which gives her the highest recognition, due to all these pressures weyane must release her , but they were looking for a kind of face saving ( yemaryam menged in amharic) .
Meles and co. had been kneeled down, still they had been dwarfed by birtukan.Her spirit is more than any thing , the fight was between evil and good .
All the way the pressures which had been exercised by the so called shimagles were too much, i can feel that , those, the so called elders were serving weyane like a cadre , they were an instrument to the fascist dictator zenawi.
I am asking my self , do i have a morale ground to criticize birtukan , ofcourse not , but any way still i appereciate her, when i am comparing my self with her, i use to ask my self , what is my contribution to mother land? what did i have done at this crucial time, still i feel a guilty conscious .
At this day i had visited a video at the web site , in the video , it has been shown how the youngsters had recieved her, they had surrounded her, how they had given her a respect . They have prepared a heroic welcome. They were singing Ethiopian patriotic song. The amazing thing was their creativity, as a matter of fact weyane had not permitted the plain Ethiopin green yellow red flag, the only flag which would be flied in the city should be the weyane's flag with star ,but the youngsters by passed this law , they had prepared and hanged separately green, yellow , red coloured small fabrics , it was perfect .
At last not least when i was hearing the songs, the song was in amharic '' beabatochachin dem tekeberesh yenorshew enat ethiopia yedeferesh yiwedem' i was remembering ethiopia , i was crying , these youngsters are heroes, they are honest , they love their mother land!!!
Ethiopia will prevail!!!!

Systematic genocide against Amharas , a letter to kesto

I use to participate in the pal discussions. i mostly use to listen what ever tha pal participants they talk, interested in politics , as any Ethiopian , i want to be part of those discussions, actually i am passive , i have never had taken the mic. but i use to write ,by writing my ideas at the lobbying board i use to participate . it is my way of participation

it was before yesterday , a participant which is called kesto, spoke about the systematic genocide of the amharas in the present weyane's ethiopia. He was explaining that there is a project which had been projected by the weyanes to curb the growth rate of the amharas, he further explained that in the socalled weyanes' amhara region (Shewa, Gojam , Gonder, wello), there was a vaccination which had been given to women from that region , a vaccin against birt which is birth control (in amharic tsins mamken)

kesto , he was talking about the amharas , how they have been deprived in this system. He explained that we need to be a voice for the voice less .

For me , i am not comfortable to see things with a glass of ethnic tribal lines , i consider ethiopia as one nation, indivisible, intertwinned to each other. I wrote and i responded to the guy , by writing that, why we focus on the tribes , tplf does not care for any body , they care only for their power, do u think these guys care for the tigryans, ofcourse not , they want the ethnic backed thinkings in order to keep us divided , at the end which keeps them in power.

But we Ethiopians are beyond that , Ethiopians are the smartest nation, no body could divide us, we are far from that.

At the end of the day , i had decided to look or read further to make my own investigation , it is a broad light truth that this government has shown and has campaigned in destroying Amharas , Tplf has been preaching a hate mongor campaign against amharas starting from their birth as an organization, taking this in to my account i started to read the two census , 1994, 2007 .

Accordingly in the 2007 census the number of amharas were diminishing comparing to the other tribes, It was scary, how could it be , the population growth was 1.7% where as in the others it was more than 2.4%, why only in amhara region? is there a systematic genocide which had been imposed there? i further googled and in the channel called you tube , i got some valuable information, a video which had been posted by nitro ethiopian.

I watched that video , the video was compiled with interviews between a journalist and weizero samya of weyanes' census official . She was not able why more than 2 .4 million amharas have been withered away . She could not explain that , any way she defended that the census was correct , she said that they have tried to investigate all angels , whether the amharas from rural areas have been immigrated to the cities or other regions, she sayd still not,but she could not classify the reason , actually it is sad !

The same official has been answering for questions in the weyane's parliament , she was responding in the same way, an intersting thing the so called , the representatives from that region specially addisu legesse has not shown any emotion, only one guy has asked a serious question , he has expressed his doubt.

In the video , in the election campaign one guy was showing about the child mortality reprot , which shows that in amhara region , it was the highest one, at the end he has asked that there is something wrong , which lead to the lowest population growth comparing to the other tribes in the other region.

It is scary , It could be a silent genocide against amharas , kesto might be correct !!!


I use to visit ethiomedia , it is an ethiopian web site. Most of the time they use to post about ethiopia and related issues . The web site is much interested in political articles, i admire their courage , at times i use to ask my self , from where these guys would get the time, how could they coop up with their personal life ? any way i did not get the answer but i appereciate them for briefing us about Ethiopia and the current situation back in home.
In this article i want to concentrate on two videos which had been transmitted by the Ethio media web site , those videos had been produced , i think one is with meysaw entertainment group or some thing like that , for sure , i remember it has been prepared to remember( for a memorial purpose) the well- known , popular Ethiopian artist Tilahun gessesse , who has passed away recently a year a go.
All the way the production had been coordinated very professionally, the imitators who had imitated tilahun, they had done thier job , specially two guys , they are exactly like tilahun, if i had not known about them or if i was hearing their voice in cassette , ofcourse i would have thought that their voice was tilahun's voice.
As usual Tamagn had shown his professional capacty to the audince , i like the way he presented hims self, his presentaition skill is marvelous, at that particular time, almost he was able to show the work of Tilahun.
Tamagn had given a brief analysis about every thing concerning Tilahun , but there was something which i was not comfortable with it , tamagn had said that when tilahun plays in oromgna , we all became an oromo. Here tamagn wants to show that how tilahun is capable , but this explanation gives an impression as if we need to be an oromo to appereciate that music,
As an Ethiopian we do not need to be an oromo to appereciate that specific music, as a matter of fact by being an ethiopian , all ethiopian languages are equally belongs to all of us .
Tamagn was giving a critics on the weyanes' president girma's divisive speech , he proved that the speech was a complete lie, '' prseident has said that in previous regimes of ethiopia had not been allowed to sing in oromigna'' , Tamagn had proved wrong. I like that !!!
But tamagn at the same time he was impressed about weyane because of that they had allowed a state funereal cermony to tilahun. Tamagn had appereciated that. But here there is one thing which is not clear for Tamagn , this was what exactly weyane wants, The weyanes were looking for a personal relation ship work , here , their PR officer has worked very professionally ,
In PR there is a word which is called A word of mouth , when any body it could be a company or a state , an individual sponsors a big event , when the events are associated with big names and heroes , the main thing is to create an awareness, good will or it could be any thing but in this case it is to change a negative attitude of the people of Ethiopia towards them,This is a specific PR approach . The aim of sponosring or allowing a state funereal is exactly that one. When any body talks about tilahun's funereal , every body will talk about the weyane's will , In this case consciousily or not even Tamagn had spoken that , but the truth is ,weyane's intention is not that they love the work of tilahun, they appereciate tilahun, no ,they do not like tilahun, they hate more than any body , as we know weyane hates any body Ethiopian , let alone Tilahun the beloved Ethiopian singer who had played or sung for Mother ethiopia through out his entire life.
The second video which i had been watched was A G7 an ethiopian opposition meeting in los angeles . Tamagn had delivered a speech , he has delivered a very interesting speech . specially what the weyanes were talking about him, they called him that he is an azmari, he defended his profession in a very proud way ,He told them in a clear language that he is a master of that profession.The other amazing part was , the accusition that they made against him, ' he does not like tigre' , he showed them that he does not have any hatred with any body, he proved that he loved Ethiopia, the other one is he was telling about that they called every body who hates them to be a derge. But he showed that when it is with them , it is ok , even he listed out the names of the officials who had been working in the derge regime but now also they are working for weyanes like Fasil nahom, kassahun ayele, fiseha yimere, ayenew bitwelgn, Girma biru etc. A double standard .
At the end Tamgn had given a brief explanation about the insults that they use to talk, here Tamagn does not necessarily expected to mention those bad words , even if the weyanes talk those stupid words , it uses to dwarf them spritually , but if tamagn speaks that one it does not fit to him, in our culture too, there is a proverb , ''compairing to the guy or a person who had insulted me , the bitter one is the one who told me' ' in amharic ''Kesedebeg yenegereg '' the second proverb is ' 'Abuse a fool once he would abuse himself for ever' '.
Tamagn u need to watch out your word un consciously you would promote weyanes. Which would be a disastour , by the way i am your fan , i like your Ethiopian sprit , i appereciate you 4 ur Ethiopian Patriotic energetic approach, Let God bless you.
Ethiopia will prevail

Sunday 22 May 2011


It is my first time to write for a kind of blogging. I really do not know what i have to write, any way some where i have to start , as we know from the proverbs , a travel to thousand kilometers would be started by one pace, i just started to write by writing this simple article.

How did i start thinking about blogging?

I start thinking about blogging, when ever i saw peoples are blogging, they use to write a lot of articles starting from their own personal diaries up to the complex issues , i just admired their patience about that.

One day i have decided to write my feelings just for my own interest. Is tht ok?, i think it is
